20 February 2011

CUBA: "Refusnik" Hernandez Finally Released...To Matanzas... Not Spain.

AFP/ C. Batista /

   Journalist Ivan Hernandez, 39, a jailed dissident who refused to go into exile in Spain, was finally released and returned home... to Matanzas.
    He was one of 75 opponents of the government arrested in 2003.
    He was released along with six other prisoners.
   "I am free. I will keep writing, as I did from prison and as I will now from the street. I will write of the events that affect ordinary Cubans," he told AFP.
   "A major from the interior ministry told me that since I was being released from jail, that I should stay quiet at my home," he said. "But I told him that I was going to keep writing and working as an independent journalist just like before they convicted me."