06 January 2011

HUNGARY: PM Orban Slams France And Germany Over Media Law Criticisms.


  After assuming the 6-month presidency of the EU, PM Viktor Orban says he will not suffer any criticism over a recent media law from other EU governments.
     "Not one single state, France included, has the right to criticize and ask Hungary to do something,"Orban said. "I would like to request the French government to return to the level of reality and rational discussion."
    After German minister Werner Hoyer said Orban should be disqualified from discussing media issues because of the new law, the Hungarian ambassador went to Chancellor Angela Merkel. They claim the German government is now backing off.
"I am very happy the Germans have come back to reality," Orban said. "I expect the French to do the same."

 "He is accused of being a closet Bonapartist bent on destroying or bypassing the checks and balances of democratic politics. Since his rightwing Fidesz party won a two-thirds majority in a general election seven months ago, Orbán has been a prime minister in a hurry, orchestrating a whirlwind of laws, decrees, and proposals that opponents describe as a funeral of Hungarian democracy and liberty, but which his supporters hail as a sorely needed "revolution".  