11 December 2010

POLAND: Komorowski Reveals Bruised Feelings After Obama Visit.

    After this week's visit with President Obama, President Bronislaw Komorowski's has aired his bruised feelings.
   “We never gave the impression that we have had some sort of great breakthrough and America thinks of nothing but how to defend Poland,” Komorowski said.
    This after WikiLeaks revealed Poland's disappointment over a Patriot anti-missile battery that was not armed and that the Americans had no intention of sending of arming.
“We don't need garden planters,” said a deputy defense minister.
       Komorowski's also complained about Poles requirement to obtain visas. Poland is one of the few in the EU whose nationals must get visas from the United States. “Polish public opinion completely does not understand why all the neighbors of Poland can use that visa waiver program and we can’t.”
     According to CNN,  Komorowski said on his U.S. visa form, he was asked "whether I am involved in prostitution or if perhaps I was involved in genocide or whether I was a terrorist." "Well, I don't take it as an insult,"  he said. "I'm not a prostitute. But I have to tell you when I had to answer the question whether I was a terrorist my hand shook a little. Because I do not want to lie. I do not want to lie to the United States.
      "But I had some doubt. At the time of the Communist regime I was considered to be a terrorist. It was the language of some of the charges formulated by the prosecutor in the Communist state. So I did not know: Should I write the truth or lie in that form? So my suggestion is to skip that form. ... It's not understandable for us. It's nonsense. It spoils a lot in Polish-American relations."