14 December 2010

KOSOVO: 16 Dec. UPDATE: Thaci Responds To Charge That He Headed A Criminal Organization That Killed For Kidneys.

   A Council of Europe report claims Kosovo's narrowly re-elected PM Hashim Thaçi is "the boss" of a "mafia-like" network that smuggles weapons, drugs and human organs through Eastern Europe.
    Members of Thaçi's inner circle are accused of taking captives into Albania after the war in 1999, where a few Serbs are said to have been murdered for their kidneys, which were then sold on the black market.
    Thaci denied a report accusing him of heading a mafia-style organization and said he would use all political and legal means to bring the truth to light.
"These acts are done to damage the image of Kosovo. As a prime minister of the republic of Kosovo, as a citizen and as a parent, I am insulted by the baseless accusations of Dick Marty against me, my comrades, the KLA (wartime guerrilla army), against the state of Kosovo and my people."