30 December 2010

BRASIL: Bovespa Balks At Dilma, She's No Lula; Faces Inflation And Rising Budget Deficits.

BLOOMBERG/ Overview of Challenges For Dilma Rousseff/

   President-elect Dilma Rousseff takes power with the highest inflation in 23 months and a growing budget deficit.
    Now there are growing doubts among investors that she can match her mentor Lula da Silva’s record for economic growth.
    Government spending has risen 25 percent just this year which helped the economy grow by 7.3 percent, the most in two decades. But Rousseff also inherits the most overvalued currency in the world and a record trade deficit of $49 billion.

  ALSO:   Rousseff has invited the 11 women she shared a cell with at Sao Paulo's Tiradentes prison in the early 1970s to her inauguration. All have accepted for the 1 Jan. ceremony.