21 September 2010

NICARAGUA: 2011 Presidential Race: A Contest Between The Lesser Of 2 Evils.

     In 2011, it seems likely that incumbent Daniel Ortega and former President Arnoldo Aleman (both pictured) will compete for the presidency. Observers believe that it's going to be a dirty, violent campaign. Aleman served time for money-laundering and fraud, convicted in 2003 of stealing nearly $100 million in public funds, using much of it to build homes and haciendas, and was sentenced to 20 years in prison--that was later commuted. Meanwhile, the autocratic Ortega has been financed by about $500 million of Hugo Chavez's oil and uses it to reward friends and harass opponents.
     How can this happen? Vice President Jaime Morales says: "This country has the memory of a mosquito."