04 September 2010

CUBA: Fidel: The Internet Is "the Most Powerful Weapon", Just NOT For His People.

LATIMES/ EDITORIAL:    "Castro called Web communication "the most powerful weapon that has existed" and extolled its power to break a stranglehold on the media by "the empire" (that means the United States, of course) and "ambitious private groups that have abused it." But the fact that it is such a powerful weapon is, of course, precisely why unfettered access for all Cubans isn't really on Big Brother Fidel's mind."
AND: "Besides Fidel Castro, Cuba has about 300 bloggers, about 100 of them unauthorized, including several who are highly critical of the government. They have a terrible time communicating with the world and have to resort to all sorts of tricks to circumvent government barriers, including phoning the information to friends abroad for posting on servers outside Cuba."