19 September 2010

CHILE:1ST UPDATE: Pinera Pledges New Indigena Mapuche Talks; Strikers Reject Talks.

LINK CHANGE/ LAHT/ UPDATE: 22 Spet./       In the wake of a two month hunger strike by 34 Mapuche, President Sebastian Pinera has promised his officials will begin talks regarding their grievances and to spend $4bn on development in the southern Araucania region, where most of the Mapuche live.
    The Mapuche are Chile's largest indigenous minority, making up about 5% of the population.
   NEW: Families of the hunger strikers reject the talks. The government’s initiative “does not have the goal of resolving the demands of the (hunger) strikers,” Mapuche spokesperson Natividad Llanquileo said outside a prison in the southern city of Concepcion, dismissing the planned talks as a “media show.”