26 September 2010

ARGENTINA: Are The Kirchners' Chances To Keep The Presidency For Real?

 "The Kirchners would like you to believe they have a fighting chance of winning the presidency next year in the first round with the required 40 percent of the votes and a 10 point difference over the nearest rival. Many polls said that Kirchner, a candidate to the Lower House, would win the midterm elections last year in Buenos Aires province. But then Kirchner lost to Deputy Francisco De Narváez, a dissident Peronist who headed a coalition of centre-right parties.
       By now, after losing in all major districts in 2010, the Kirchnerite Victory Front should be about to bite the dust. The Victory Front does not control Congress. The President’s popularity at the start of the year stood at a dismal 20 percent. But this is now. Ask pollsters like Fidanza and they will tell you that the Kirchners have a fighting chance of winning in 2011. Don’t like them? Then vote for somebody else.Argentina seems to be heading for a crucial election next year that could decide much more than who will be the next president."