15 August 2010

VENEZUELA: Caracas Morgue Foto Stirs Controversy.

LAHT/      El Nacional, a Chavez-opposition newspaper, is under attack by the government for publishing a photo of bodies piled up in the Caracas morgue. El Nacional put the photo on its front page showing naked and half-naked bodies, bloody and piled on tables and on the floor of the morgue. It says the foto was taken last December to show growing violence in Caracas. The paper is “playing with other people’s suffering” in publishing the picture and ignores “the effort” being made by state security forces in fighting crime, which is diminishing “progressively” in Venezuela, said police official Wilmer Flores.The newspaper reports that Caracas' only morgue “has received in the six first months of this year 2,177 bodies whose cause of death was homicide.”