22 August 2010

LATIN AMERICA:1ST UPDATE: Mexico Is The Winner In Miss Universe 2010

     Finally, some GOOD news for Mexico. Its stunning contestant Jimena Navarrete, 22, from Guadalajara won the title of Miss Universe 2010 in Las Vegas. It was Mexico's second win ever. She accepted the crown from Miss Venezuela. This blog also picked her as one of three possible winners.
In Latin America, beauty contests are still a big deal. Physical enhancement is accepted, even encouraged, for wannabe beauty contestants in Brasil, Venezuela and Colombia to name the most prominent. This Buenos Aires website features most of  the Latin American contestants and some of the 83 other candidates...captured IN BIKINIS. Based on these admittedly shallow fotos, I  favored Mexico, Colombia and Peru. My Cuban wife is always upset...that there is NO Miss Cuba because the isla is full of beautiful women. Duh! Fidel has never allowed such bourgeois contests! On the other hand,  faithful Fidel-follower Hugo Chavez takes pride in his nation's record in beauty contests. But Miss Venezuela Marelisa Gibson failed to win for the nation's third consecutive crown. Most blogs touted Venezuela, Bolivia and the Philippines as favorites but also mentioned Mexico.