27 May 2010

POLAND: Dead President's Sick Mom Only Now Learned Of His Death.

NYTIMES/      Here's a genuinely sad revelation. The mother of President Lech Kacyznski, who perished in a plane crash in Russia with 95 others, has just learned of her son's tragic death. Jadwiga Kaczynska, 83, has been hospitalized since March with heart and lung problems so doctors advised the family to not divulge the news until she was better. That day came yasterday. Six weeks after the crash with her health a bit better, the President's twin brother informed her that her son, her daughter-in-law and many others had died. Twin Jaroslaw never married and still lives with his mother. “I didn’t agree with him, but still, something like this must be a horrible experience for every son,”said a street vendor.