19 May 2010

EU/LATAM: Madrid Summit Summary; Pinera Says Results "Not Sufficient."

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   Chile's President Sebastian Pinera is criticizing the Madrid Summit. “We have results, but I consider them not sufficient. I feel we are addressing old problems with old solutions”, he said. Pinera want “re-engineering” of world organizations like the IMF, World Bank, United Nations “created six decades ago for a world that is entirely different from nowadays”. He also believes there are two “visions” for the development of Latam countries: one led by Venezuela and the other by countries such as Chile and Brasil. Meanwhile, Brasil's Lula da Silva was awarded the New Economy Forum Prize 2010 and praised by Argentine president Cristina Kirchner as he delivered what may be his farewell speech. Pinera also met with Peru's President Alan Garcia in hopes to improve their nation's rocky relationaship. Piñera requested that García not bring up his plan for arms restriction in Latin America. Piñera believed that could be seen as an accusation pointed at Chile.