29 May 2010

CZECH REPUBLIC: Left-Wing Winning Slim Parliamentary Victory; Coalition Uncertain.

BUSINESSWEEK ANALYSIS With AP Input/     The Civic Democratic Party  that pledged to cut spending won the most votes in parliamentary elections as Czechs chose budget restraint over promises of increased social payments. The results are a blow to the Social Democratic Party, which campaigned to increase welfare spending. The left-wing Social Democrats have a slim victory in the parliamentary election but center-right parties won more votes overall. But Socialists, lead by former PM Jiri Paroubek, can't govern alone and may not even be able to successfully form a new government, meaning 3 smaller parties that cleared the five% level are possible coalition partners. President Vaclav Klaus might ask Paroubek, to form a new government, but his chances were uncertain. "This cannot be called a success," Paroubek acknowledged. "This country is on the way towards a right-wing coalition." The good showing of the smaller parties reflected public dissatisfaction with scandals that have rocked both of the bigger parties.