25 May 2010

CUBA: Yoani Sanchez's Media Execution.

DESDECUBA/GENERACION Y BLOG/      "On Friday they pronounced my name on the boring Roundtable program, mixed with concepts such as “cyber-terrorism,” “cyber-commandos” and “media war.” To be mentioned in a negative way in the most official program on television is, for any Cuban, the confirmation of her social death. A public stoning that consists of insults directed at someone who has critical ideas, without allowing her a few minutes of the right to reply."
And..."A few years ago, government bullets of contempt would have made everyone stay away from my person and my house, but now they sidle up and give me a wink and a thumbs up as a sign of complicity. They have used defamation so much as a method to silence the other, that their incendiary adjectives have ceased to have any effect on a population sick and tired of so many slogans and so few results."