29 May 2010

COLOMBIA: Pre-Election Roundup.

COLOMBIA REPORT/ With AP Input/       The last TV debate before Sunday's election centered on corruption. Socialist Gustavo Petro criticized Alvaro Uribe and Juan Manuel Santos because Santos campaign posters were visible in airports where public works took place. Petro also alleged that tax payers' money was used to finance the Santos campaign. Santos denied any wrongdoings. Antanas Mockus, currently tied with Santos in recent polls, believes corruption can be countered with a cultural change. Mockus recently said" I think all of the candidates are good," adding that he would "not be scared" if any of them won the election, but that he "would not vote for Doctor Santos."
Also,  President Alvaro Uribe defended his brother against allegations of having led a right-wing death squad from the family ranch during the early 1990s and suggested that accusations by former police Maj. Juan Carlos Meneses were lies paid for by criminals.