01 April 2010

TEXAS/ MEXICO: Official Claims Border Violence Worst Than Colombia.

MERCOPRESS/    "Colombia was never threatened like the government of Mexico is with the level of violence,” claimed Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw at a Texas House Select Committee on Emergency Preparedness in Austin. “I think maybe he’s exaggerating,” said University of Texas, El Paso, Professor Howard Campbell.  But Austin-based Stratfor analyst Alex Posey agreed with McCraw that Mexico is now worse off than Colombia was at the height of its drug war. “This is the land of Pancho Villa,” Posey said. “People just go out there and run around and do whatever they want. The Colombian government, on the other hand, never lost complete control over metropolitan areas where cartels once held sway," Posey said. "With US help, they were able to retake power."