26 March 2010

MEXICO: Newspaper Publisher Blames Bloodshed On Systematic Breakdown.

SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS NEWS/   Groupo Reforma newspaper magnate Alejandro Junco de la Vega, and recent Austin resident, blames the systematic breakdown in Mexico's society and institutions for the violence there. He believes the root of Mexico's security problem has evolved far beyond the drug trade. Even if U.S. stopped consuming drugs, he thinks Mexico would have the problem of “nonviolent violence,”--the end of hope and the chance “of a joyful life.” Besides, protection rackets are now the main problem, he claims. Most distressing, a recent poll of 4,600 students in Chihuahua shows 40% of them want to be hit men. “They would rather live a week like a king than have 70 years of misery,” Junco said. The students see poverty as their destiny unless they become murderers.