17 March 2010

CUBA: Author/Expert Ann Louis Bardach On The Castro Brothers.

FOREIGN POLICY/    An interview with journalist Ann Louise Bardach. She describes current Cuban life under Raúl, Fidel's continuing power and the island's dependence on Venezuela and Chavez. Excerpts: "Raúl sort of delights in having almost a charisma deficit." On changes: "A lot of people don't realize that there's been a purge of the government about every 10 years since the revolution." On Ramiro Valdes: "I've been in rooms in Cuba where you say the name "Ramiro Valdés" and it will literally clear the room. It's a name to be feared." On Venezuela: "Raúl [recently sent Valdés] to Hugo Chávez to serve as Chávez's Cuban baby sitter and make sure he doesn't lose control in Caracas. Because if Chávez does lose control, then Cuba is toast."